The real title here should be Making Alice and a whole lot of other unrelated stuff. But, we all know that if I put that in the title, the header section will get too long & complex. Also, this page will take ages to load, might as well read the below introduction until you wait.

So, I hope the following artworks show you how “Alice Kittums” came to be. It’s not like I worked on building “Alice Kittums” all the time. It’s more like I used Alice to externalise the things I couldn’t explain in life. Trust me, the process of creating Alice was not as profound as it sounds. There was no proper process in the beginning. It was more like I was working towards some vague instinct with unsure goals and unsure outcomes. Simply, I was putting everything I found in life like the experiences, impressions left by the people I met, and anything else I found interesting in a pot and stirred it all together in some novel way.
This is the first time I could put forward the “making of Alice Kittums” in a way that others can understand (at least I hope you will understand). The explanations next to each group of illustrations will hopefully tell you how “Alice Kittums” progressively achieved her current form with four hands, semi-transparent clothes and all the other stuff. To me, Anjie, it now feels like I have almost always been drawing or creating Alice. Mind you, while you browse this collection, you will find some completely random things that look like they have no bearing on Alice, I try to explain to the best of my abilities how they have a bearing on Alice. But some explanations would only be the somewhat illogical rigmaroles inside an Artist’s mind. Hope you have fun browsing. Also, if you are someone who is already a part of my life, see if you can spot yourself, your belongings, or your tattoos in the illustrations.