“Provided, we also can get hold of them”, we will do our best to direct your mail.
FREE, ANONYMOUS & we only need an EMAIL!!!
We are so very glad that you have decided to use Alice’s Match Making services. We strive to find your next best Love, Soulmate, Friend, Pen pal or such. What you do after you get matched is not up to us to judge or our responsibility. Read The Privacy Policy here
How we find LOVE
1. Easy, you answer our questionnaire.
2. We match you with, hopefully, your type of creature.
3. We’ll email the matched parties each other’s contact info. And, there ends our Match Making Services.
3. If you want to match with multiple people, you should fill out the questionnaire multiple times. A single submission of the questionnaire will get you the chance to get matched with one creature of your preferance.
How our home team has answered these questions
Just dummy responses. You won’t be matched with any of the APO team. Your submissions will NOT be published.
My Boop2-Beep2 Eight. Can not live without that
The vocation of a human journalist does carry an air of awe and allure. The pursuit of gathering, disseminating, and chronicling the manifold narratives that weave the tapestry of human existence holds within it a sense of nobility and adventure. To wield the power of words in illuminating untold stories, bearing witness to historical events, and serving as a conduit for information, is a calling of great significance. Verily, the life of a human journalist appears to be a noble and captivating endeavour.
The next batch of matches will most likely be sent out on the 30th of November 2024. However, if you are critically in need of someone to love, please fill out the general form above and contact the APO, someone will probably be able to help you.